Individually we are one drop. Together we are an ocean. - Ryunosuke sataro

The idea truly attributes to our team. As we are connected closely to one another like a family.


Aneesh P T

Director and Operations Manager

Being an all-rounder of ATEES, Aneesh is very diligent and friendly chap whose monitoring ensures the smooth flow of business operations.


Alby Milton

HR Manager

Alby always take a special interest in everyone and this easygoing nature helps her manage the human resource of our company efficiently.


Linda Lal

Financial Advisor

The Calculator
Linda always offers a smile and her accuracy in dealing with financial affairs are praiseworthy. She, assure maximum use of the company’s financial resources.


Chithu Prabhakaran

Sales Consultant

Mr Commissioner
Like an appointed commissioner, Chithu is the all in all who talk with our clients and his thorough understanding makes him ideal at consulting.


Jithu M

Senior Project Manager

Jithu’s high degree of patience makes him approachable and he loves to complete projects in a time-bound way even if it is challenging.


Vidhul K V

Team Lead & E-commerce Specialist

Mr Magento
Vidhul is one of the smart personas in our team, who manages teamwork and also comes up with innovative ideas.


Sanjay S

Creative Lead

Sanjay’s extraordinary colour sense and simplicity in designing make his works charming. His dedication to work is always boosted with creativity.


Ashwin S

UX Strategist & Web Developer

Ashwin’s expertise in UI/UX design and programming along with timeliness makes him a great co-worker. Befriending with him is the easiest thing ever.


Ajith KC

Senior Web Developer

Mr Mentor
Being a lover of programming, Ajith always strives to complete assigned tasks in an effective manner.



Digital Marketing Specialist

SEO Sherlock
He is known for planning tasks ahead of time and such dedicated and steady characteristics help in teamwork.


Lalbin George

Senior Mobile App Developer

Steve Jobs
Being a mobile app developer, he loves to explore new ideas and implement those right away. His quiet nature is the first thing attract you.


Hari Krishnan

Content Writer

Hard worker
Hari’s creative juices are always reflected in each copy he writes. He is good at implementing the latest trends in a way that directs attention.


Jenson Vincent

AWS Consultant

Jenson has a serious appearance but in reality, he is very friendly and supportive. He is pretty good at dealing with cloud technology. When not in work, he can be seen walking around the office to ensure its smooth functioning.


Well defined Marketing Strategies with captivating content


Powerful websites along with great layout and designs


SEO friendly website with more traffic & better leads


We are the global leaders in providing the most innovative digital marketing solutions & web development services for all types of businesses in the UAE. Our focus is to make your business grow to heights not reachable by your competitors.

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