digital marketing guide


The Foundation of failure in business is poor marketing rather than the poor quality of the product. In a scenario where 79 % of customers were online buyers, are we exploiting all the available digital marketing channels maximum to get proper results? Unfortunately, the answer is no and there is no wonder in that as traveling through an unknown location can be hard if there is no one to guide you in the right direction. In the age of digitalization, more companies are gripping in digital marketing to reach their customers and prospects. The digital marketing guide will supply you with an insight into different channels of digital marketing and all the benefits offered by the same.


Branches of digital marketing are numerous and here is an overview of some of the most popular among them

digital marketing guide


Context is equally or even a little more important than content. Social media marketing involves customizing your content according to the requirement of various social media platforms in order to meet business goals. Likes and positive comments from viewers and users are a true inspiration for business but ‘share’ is the key to propagate the brand name, increase the quality traffic and generate business.



Content marketing is a process of educating your customer with your updated product and services with the objective of building a relationship with them. It is a strategic approach for exiting and engaging the viewers with the information of their interest with the hope of achieving their trust and loyalty and eventually convert them to customers



SEO is an optimization process that takes your website to the top of the rankings. Several methodologies like the selection of perfect keywords and internal linking are applied to generate quality traffic and potential customers. The ideal move to get the job done is to understand the algorithm of search engines and align your strategies accordingly.



PPC is an amazing way similar to SEO in skyrocketing your website ranking. The main difference between these two is that you have to allocate a portion of your budget for PPC while the latter is absolutely free. Still in long run, investing in PPC won’t be a wrong turn as it has the ability to attract potential customers immediately and generate profit. One of the most popular types of PPC is google ads which are capable of taking you to the top of SEO ranking within no time



Email marketing is a traditional but very effective method used by plenty of companies to keep their relationships with customers alive. Mostly the content will be something regarding promotions, subscriptions, newsletters, or any upcoming events. A major attractive feature of email marketing is that you can customize according to the preferences of every individual client and sent it personally. It is better to start with the people who have already sent you a query so that they won’t be surprised to receive your mail


The influence of the internet has extended a lot as even the people of the old generation are depending on it for finding a solution for their problem. This clearly indicates how effective digital marketing can be to increase your visibility. Let’s go through some of the advantages offered by digital marketing. 




No matter whatever be your industry is, it is important to make a proper investment in digital marketing as that is the best way to take your brand to a wide range of customers. The competition within the social media platforms itself made the people split into different channels as each of them is coming up with more innovative ideas and attractive features. Getting a maximum reach for your brand by focusing on a single platform won’t be a wise decision. Digital marketing has proved to be an effective way to get you to the target audience and eventually convert them to customers



The main benefit of digital marketing over offline marketing is that it allows you to precisely target your customers. Running an offline campaign in public gives you no control over your viewers, on the other hand, digital marketing which is done with proper analysis of the responses (likes, follows, subscription) made by visitors will make your task of figuring out potential customers easy.



Digital marketing offers you the benefit of analyzing your marketing results in real-time to determine whether it is in the path of progress or not. This is done by checking the number of visitors, their response to the landing page, the device they use and its location, and many similar aspects. This analysis will give you clarity about your tactics and where to improve



Incorporating digital marketing in ecommerce development strategies will allow us to monitor customer’s behavior. From the point they enter into your site, their preferences, routine, biases and everything else required will be analyzed to improve the user experience. Along with this, you can also get an idea about the advertisements that can excite their interest and make them convert


While offline marketing demands a huge investment without guaranteeing any results, digital marketing is little to no expense and can assure a great impact. Cost-Per-Acquisition CPA generated with digital marketing won’t drain your budget but will provide better leads and generate business. Proper usage of digital marketing like social media marketing and email marketing are capable of taking your business to next level



Bigger brands with high financial stability can invest in traditional advertisements eliminating the risk factor but that’s not the case with comparatively small-scale companies. Fortunately, digital marketing is providing equal opportunities to everyone on the stage despite their investment capabilities. Since most of people are internet users, wise implementation of digital marketing strategies will reflect in your results

Digital marketing is applicable for every business as its basic idea is to identify and create a relationship with your target audience. But the proper implementation of the marketing tactics is a tricky task and we, Atees information technologies are here to execute the same by properly following a digital marketing guide. You are always welcome to contact us at or dial 7907938810.


Well defined Marketing Strategies with captivating content


Powerful websites along with great layout and designs


SEO friendly website with more traffic & better leads


We are the global leaders in providing the most innovative digital marketing solutions & web development services for all types of businesses in the UAE. Our focus is to make your business grow to heights not reachable by your competitors.

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